

現在力を注いでいる事業 Main project

水問題からスタートして世界から貧困を無くす事業をしています。 無償援助やボランティアは永遠に続けることは出 来ません。 水供給援助はビジネス化することで継続した事業 になります。

Starting from water problem, we are working on getting rid of poverty in the world. It is not possible to continue the grant aid or volunteer forever. Water supply aid will be sustainable by making it a business.

私たちは、途上国で活動する中で「幾らなら売れるか、いくらで売れば損をしないで継続出来るか」と、失敗と成功を 10年間も繰り返してきました。
We have had numerous success and failure by keep asking ourselves, “How much is the affordable price for the customers?”, “How much is the suitable price for us to sustain the business?” over the course of 10 years in developing countries.

途上国で出来るものは途上国で造る。 責任者も従業員も全て途上国の人間で構成する。

What we can make in developing countries, we make there. We hire managers and employees all from local people.

この2つが鍵だと知りました。今では、ポリグルレディ、ポリグルボーイは世界中で 1000名を超しました。
We noticed these two are the keys to the business from our experience. There are more than 1000 members of our special distributers, Poly-Glu Ladies and Poly-Glu Boys, in the world.

Poly-Glu Ladies and Boys from the countries we have started the business already visit to another country to teach “our technology and water business”.

This is because sending Japanese workers costs too much and it does not pay off.


We, such a small company in Osaka, are proceeding to achieve SDGs.
“Even with small business, we advance promptly and multiply our success.”